Aaron Copland (1900 - 1990)

In my younger years, I gave concerts as a pianist and accompanist to singers in NYC. During the Bicentennial year of 1976, I and a number of my musician friends collaborated on a series of concerts featuring American music at the Greenwich House Music School in New York City's Greenwich Village where I taught - of all things - classical guitar. Included in that series was my performance of Aaron Copland's Piano Sonata.

I remember, after another concert in that series featuring American Art Songs, an older couple came backstage to greet me and introduced themselves as Ned Rorem's parents. Rorem was one of those composers whose songs were represented on that evening's program. A few years later I had the opportunity of giving Ned Rorem and his companion a lift home back to Manhattan over the Manhattan Bridge from the Brooklyn Academy of Music after a concert of American music. He was really tickled to hear this story about his parents. When I hummed a theme from his opera, Miss Julie, he was quite surprised.

Below are some reproductions of letters Copland wrote to me around that time.

Click on an image for a larger version.


I was moved by Copland's humility expressed here. He was 47 years older than I, but thought enough of my letter to him to write back to an unknown kid. Note his reference to Elie Siegmeister.

This is a letter from Aaron Copland concerning my performance of his Piano Sonata in 1976. Once again, gracious and humble.